ISSN 2306-0557
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Instructions for authors


Beder Scientific Journal of Educational Sciences (BJES) publishes two issues per year. BJES is peer reviewed by the Editorial Board.

The official language of the academic articles is English, yet a maximum of the 30% of the articles published in one issue may be in the Albanian language.


1-Abstracts Critical Requirements

  • Title:
  • The title should be written in 12 point font, Times New Roman
  • Bold
  • Centred
  • It should come right before the word Abstract and after the author’s name

Author name:

  • Full name of the writer(s), Position, Institution/Affiliation and Email Address (es)
  • The title should be below followed by the author/authors’ name (in lowercase with the first letter capitalized) and surname (in uppercase letters).
  • The author/authors’ name and surname should be centered and written in 12 point font, bold type. Author/Authors’ surname should be written in details, such as the author/authors’ details (position, institution and e-mail address), and written in 12-point font, bold and justify type.


  • Abstract’s body should be centered, fully justify type.
  • Written in 12 point font, Times New Roman
  • Italic type, NOT bold
  • Single spaced, and should be up to 250-400 words long.

Keywords: Keywords should be 3 to 5 in number. Keywords should be written in Times New Roman, 11 point font, and italic type.


2-Full Articles Requirements

  • Full articles should contain introduction, body, conclusion and bibliography.
  • Full articles should be typewritten on A4 format pages
  • All pages (including those containing only diagrams and tables) should be numbered consecutively.

Margins: Margins all 2.5 cm.

Font Size and Type: 12-pt. Times New Roman font (including the bibliography).

Line Spacing: 1.5 space throughout the paper, including the title page, abstract, body of the document, references, appendixes, tables, and figures.

Spacing after Punctuation: Space once after each used punctuation.

Alignment: Flush left (creating uneven right margin)

Paragraph Indentation: Hanging Indent to the right

Pagination: The page number appears on the bottom at the center

Passive voice: As a general rule, use the passive voice rather than the active voice. For example, use "It was predicted that ..." rather than "We predicted that ..."

Footnotes: 10 point font, Times New Roman

  • Article should be 4,000 to 10,000 words long
  • The sub-headings and the headings for tables and diagrams in the body of the text should be written in 12 point font, bold type and Time New Romans, 12 point font.
  • At the beginning of each paragraph, the use of the TAB key is recommended, NOT that of soft spaces
  • The cited authors’ first and last names are mentioned at first mention; last name suffices thereafter.
  • Book titles mentioned in the manuscript body should be followed by year of publication in parentheses.
  • It is strongly suggested to avoid the use of colloquialisms (isn’t, don’t, etc.)
  • It is strongly suggested to avoid the use of running-on quotations; paraphrasing is preferred.
  • Reference should conform to the style specifications of the American Psychological Association or APA Style and Referencing System. For details see Purdue Owl
  • The Bibliography should include all sources cited in-text, arranged alphabetically and chronologically by author, and include complete bibliographic information.
  • For all authors, editors, translators, last name, first name and middle initial should be provided. For books, City, State, and Publisher should be provided. For chapters in edited volumes, inclusive page numbers should be provided. Foreign-language titles should have English translation in parentheses. For journal articles, Volume Number, Issue Number and inclusive page numbers (from-to) should be indicated. For magazine or newspaper articles, dates (day, month, and year), and pages should be indicated.