ISSN 2306-0557
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VOLUME 27 / JUNE 2023

VOL - 27 / 2023 - JUNE

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The Role and the Challenges of Teacher Assistants in Integrating Children with Special Needs in Regular/Mainstream Classes


Inclusive education is a very wide term in which we involve all children, including children with disabilities. This service that can be provided to children is influenced by a large number of factors but the main role in schools in Albania is played by assistant teachers. These teachers play the main role in teaching children with special needs, the purpose of this study is to understand the challenges and difficulties of assistant teachers and was done through a questionnaire with teachers to understand how useful and involved they are in participation of children with disabilities in their classes and what tools do they use to make children more environmentally friendly to get an education at the highest levels like all other children. This study also explored the barriers that children with disabilities face in their education as well as the strategies they need to use teachers to realize inclusive education.


Children with disabilities, inclusive education, support teachers


Msc. Student Arian Lleshi, Ana Uka

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