New Approaches to Evaluating Teacher Performance
In recent years, in the framework of educational reform, the reform of the teaching profession has been undertaken. Education reform has focused on four areas: legal, administrative, curricular, teaching technology and human resources. Human resource reform aims to improve the quality of education sector staff, in particular improving the quality of teachers. The competency-based approach developed within the professional training of teachers has led to a significant modification of the assessment system. Education continues to face issues such as evaluation of teacher performance. The teacher's performance is regulated by a set of legal documents and administrative instructions. In this context, the evaluation of teachers' performance will be discussed in the light of new modalities, which will allow us in this paper to compare and evaluate the complexity of this process. The paper undertakes to answer the research question: New approaches to assessment place teachers in active and professional roles. Is this really happening? Methodology used in the realization of this paper includes reviews of published documents and research on the situation of teacher performance evaluation; interviews and surveys with teachers, principals and education specialists; analysis of professional development and teacher evaluation models in the world in order to identify the most successful models that can be used or adapted in Albania. Objectives of the research paper are as following: to analyze teacher evaluation practices from a comparative perspective; to describe teacher performance evaluation practices, the extent to which these practices promote this process; and to identify the strengths and weaknesses of current practices for evaluating teacher performance as well as the effect of these practices. One of the main findings of the paper is that evaluating teacher performance should take into consideration the fact that teacher effectiveness and developmental needs may change over the years, and this view is conveyed to school leaders that they should be responsible for helping their teachers to grow professionally. School leaders cultivate a performance-focused culture, and this is achieved through the constant observation of teachers. Another finding of the paper is that in teacher evaluations the main emphasis should be placed on improving the quality of teaching, precisely on those evaluation methods that have the potential to improve the quality of teaching. The paper brings recommendations to influence the improvement of the teacher performance evaluation system based on the best experiences.
Performance evaluation, teaching quality, evaluation methods
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