Education during 1912-1939 in Albania. The Influence of the Legislation on its Development
Education as one of the basic human rights, is one of the basic elements to make one able to face the challenges of life, to give one the opportunity to do the best with his life and to break the barriers of poverty, discrimination, and social inequality. Through this article, it is intended to be provided from a historical perspective, the evolution of school and education legislation in Albania. The independent Albanian state that was established in 1912 did not inherit a national education system. The starting point for its establishment and development was the educational program of the Provisional Government of Vlora that included the opening and organization of the primary school, the declaring of the primary education as compulsory for both sexes, measures taken for the design of school programs and textbooks as well as the initial foundations of educational legality. Education in Albania during the period 1912-1939, had the profile of the Albanian state itself, which was fragile and not well formed. This is one of the important periods in the history of the Albanian education system. The development of education system took place under difficult economic and social circumstances, but due to the patriotism and hard work of intellectuals, there were great achievements. It is crucial to mention that during this period education became part of the legitimate human rights that can be evidenced at the legislation in force. Numerous efforts were also made to open schools, design new programs, and above all to enable learning in the Albanian language. To develop this work, the study relied on historiographical literature and archival documents. In conclusion, it can be said that the state and society tried not only to develop education in Albania but also to put it on a legal basis. Although incomplete, the legislation on education in the years between 1912-1939 laid the foundations of education in Albania.
Education, Legislation, Period between 1912-1939, Albanian schools.
Zhuljeta Daja
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