Patterns of the Technical Elements of Calvino’s Folktales - a Perfect Play of Combining Words
Calvino - one of the masters of the contemporary literature and rewriter and transcriber of Italian folktales used an original way of narration, with combining and straightforward indings at the limits of the literary game and functional to fulilling his inquisitive, coherent and literary journey. This article will speciically focus on analysing, basing on scientiic criteria, the features of the Italian folktales, the patterns of its technical elements as well as the ways it has been concerted, rewritten and transcript by Italo Calvino. The writer has wisely selected the most beautiful, original and rare versions of the Italian folktales. He translated them from different dialects enriching them with a variety of approaches from the selected version while preserving their character and inner unity untouched so rendering them more complete and articulable. He managed to integrate, with a mastery hand, the invention of words in case of ellipses or in cases of disintegrations of the lines, by organizing narration with a dexterous language which relects the dialect roots while avoiding “cultivated” expressions. The elastic language used by Calvino is well- intertwined with the dialect, the images, and the expressed rephrasing. In some of its folktales Calvino changed names and lines from the original or changed narration while still respecting the traditions of the original region, or named anonymous characters in order to incite readers’ curiosity. Patterns of the technical elements of the Calvinian folktales have been realized with technical intelligence and artistic mastery.
Folktale; Fantastical; Fabulous; Version; Transcription
Elda Talka
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