How Eficacy Feel Student Teachers during Pedagogical Practice
Faculty of Education at the University “Alexander Xhuvani” in Elbasan, is primarily aimed “teacher education”. Pedagogical practice is an important component that affects the professional development of student teacher. Eficiency of teachers is an important variable in the development of a teacher. Eficiency is connected with teaching and learning. How eficacy feel student teachers during teaching in pedagogical practice? This study undertakes to answer this question by stating attitude of student teachers in connection with variables of the Teachers’ Sense of Eficacy Scale during teaching in pedagogical practice. This inding may serve to improve the organization and planning of pedagogical practice. In this study participated 92 student teachers whose selection was done randomly. The data were collected through Teachers’ Sense of Eficacy Scale (TSES) short form, an instrument known and developed by Tschannen-Moran, & Woolfolk Hoy (2001). The collected data were analyzed
by using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). Descriptive statistics was used to analyze the results of the respondents. Findings showed that as before and after practice, student teachers feel eficacy in the same aspects of teaching. Involving pupils is the aspect in which student teachers feel less eficient.
Student teachers eficacy; Pedagogical practice
Ornela Bilali & Florinda Tarusha
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