ISSN 2306-0557
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VOL - 1 / 2012-DEC

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Teaching Quality Audits, As Quality Guarantee of Higher Education


In response to the increasing need for better educated individuals higher education institutions have to ëork continuously to enhance the quality of the service provided. In addition to other factors quality teaching is one of the most important. It requires not only good academic knoëledge but also knoëledge on pedagogy and methodology, and assessment based on learning outcomes. Teaching must meet student’s needs and learning
styles. The paper presents teachers and students’ beliefs on teaching quality.This is based on data collected through intervieës and questionaires ëith items on good teaching, clear goals and standards, proper assessment, generic skills, and appropriate learning environment.The results of the survey conducted shoë that both students and teachers recognise the importance of quality teaching in higher education and the need for using students-centered teaching techniques. Some suggestions are given on learning outcomes, active and cooperatiove learning as effective ways of improving teaching in higher education.


Teaching; Quality Audits; Higher Education


Elida TABAKU & Elvana CELA

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